Norwegian parliamentary election, 1993

  • RV: 1
  • SV: 13
  • DnA: 67
  • Sp: 32
  • KrF: 13
  • V: 1
  • H: 28
  • FrP: 10

The parliamentary election in Norway 1993 took place on 13 September 1993. It was the election for the 56th Storting.

The dominant theme of the campaign was the European question. Senterpartiet (Sp) had set a clear course towards a Norwegian EU membership and announced the political alliance with the pro-European Conservatives. The isolated position in the center of the political spectrum was secured by a new basic program that relied on economic decentralization and environmental renewal. Thus, the Sp reached an enormous influx voters at the expense of Høyre and Fremskrittspartiet. They tripled the number of its mandates and moved as the second largest party in the Storting.

The finn Brandenburg protest list Framtid for Finnmark ( Aune - lista ) does not stand for re- election. The left alternative Rød Valgallianse could conquer a district mandate in Oslo. Venstre brought after two terms outside the Parliament, a Member of the Storting.

Since the Labour Party could gain ground, and because the bourgeois camp was split, the Brundtland III Government was in office.

Election result
