
Noucentisme was a cultural flow in Catalonia, which emerged in the political environment, which was founded by Enric Prat de la Riba 1906 katalanistischen movement Solidarity Catalana. It ended in 1923 with the coup of Primo de Rivera. In art, the noucentisme proved to be the Catalan form of neoclassicism and was largely a response to the " romantic chaos " of Modernism.

The name

The name coined Eugeni d' Ors noucentisme ( 1881-1954 ). He based it on the one with the Italian tradition of naming after the period style of the centuries as the Quattrocento ( 1400s ) or Cinquecento ( 1500s ). " Noucent " in Catalan means " nine hundred " and so the noucentisme should reflect the 1900s. Other hand, " Nou " in Catalan as " New", and you could understand " New Century" that breaks with the "old ", this term also.

Objectives of noucentisme

In contrast to the modernists the Noucentisten mastered the combination of politics and culture. The self-confident bourgeoisie supported the Catalanism and intellectuality and was willing to participate in a greater autonomy for Catalonia.

The ideological values ​​of noucentisme were reason, accuracy, sincerity, order, and clarity. The clear line took precedence over the color and sobriety was a goal to strive for. The noucentisme was a clear reaction against liberalism, romanticism, naturalism, positivism and secularism. He opposed these currents by a stronger influence on public life, a renewed spirituality and a greater appreciation of the will over the experience.

The objectives of the noucentisme coincided most closely with the teachings founded by Jean Moréas École novels that followed a neoclassical and " Mediterranean " beauty ideal. This saw the roots of Mediterranean culture in the Greco- Roman heritage and its purest expression in the French classicism of the 17th century. There was also a clear proximity to the works of Paul Cézanne and the purist style of the journal L' Esprit Nouveau by Le Corbusier and Amédée Ozenfant in France at that time. This Mediterraneanism evoked the classical Roman and Greek antiquity as the historical culture of the peoples on the northern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. The noucentisme made ​​this culture become part of the Catalan identity and put them in contrast to the modernism that had its roots in Art Nouveau style of Northern Europe.

The noucentisme contributed significantly to the consolidation of the Catalan bourgeoisie as a formative class.
