Novecento Italiano

Novecento is the name of an Italian group of artists for the first time in 1922 presented her works in Milan.

The seven artists were Mario Sironi, Achille Funi, Leonardo Dudreville, Anselmo Bucci, Gian- Emilio Malerba, Pietro Marussig and Ubaldo Oppi. The artists came from different styles, which she joined was the turning away from modernity and the conviction in her work the true spirit of the 20th century ( " Novecento " ) embody. Your work should be considered as " all'ordine ritorno " ( " return to order " ) are understood and oriented to the subjects of the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The founder and coordinator of this group was Margherita Sarfatti, an art critic, writer and lover of Benito Mussolini. 1924 presented these artists exhibit their works together again at the Venice Biennale ( merely Oppi entered separately on ). With the establishment of the " Comitato Dirretivo del Novecento Italiano " it came then to a clarification of common principles and a formulation of the artistic attitude, which was defined order, clarity and decency. 1926 a new, much larger exhibition in Milan was organized under the aegis of Sarfatti, when 110 artists the whole range of Italian art scene was represented, including the Futurists. The " Novecento " ( from 1926 Novecento Italiano) was because it also reinforces nationalist subjects treated, preferably by Mussolini and his regime and could also achieve considerable success abroad. As an art movement it shared the fate of the regime.


  • Rainer Behrends: Novecento Italiano. Italian Painting of the XX. Century in an exhibition of the art collection of the University of Leipzig in the "Gallery in Hörsaalbau ". In: Journal_2000_04_UL.pdf
  • Marianne Brentzel and Uta Ruscher: Margherita Sarfatti. " I was wrong What the heck ". Jewish. Patron. Fascist. Atrium, Zurich 2008 ( publishing announcement ).
  • Klaus Portable:, ROMANITA ', italianità ', ambientismo ' - Continuity and return in the Italian modernity. Paper presented at the 42nd session of archaeological science and Building Koldewey society.
  • Exhibition Novecento. Arte e vita in Italia tra le due guerre (Feb. - Juno 2013, leaflet, PDF, 1.1 MB)
  • Group of artists (visual arts )
  • Italian Artist
  • Fascism (Italy )