Novorossiysk TV Tower

[ [ Template: Images desire / code / O: Novorossiysk / C: 44.815786,37.65835 / D: Novorossiysk TV Tower / | BW ]! ! ]

The TV Tower Novorossiysk is a 261.45 -meter high TV tower in the Russian Novorossiysk in reinforced concrete. It was completed after ten years of construction in 1996 and serves for the transmission of radio and television programs. The tower is on a 373.5 -meter-high mountain pass in Werchnebakanski in the northwest of Novorossiysk. Architecturally noteworthy that the tower shaft concrete is not tapered to the top but from the foot to about 144 meters above sea level has the same cross -section up to the tower basket. The mass of the tower is 12,000 tons, the steel antenna on the top weighs 300 tons.
