NSD ( Name Server Daemon) is an open- source software package that implements a domain name server. NSD can be obtained free of charge, the source code is public.

Development objectives and characteristics

NSD has been developed as an alternative to BIND, especially at a higher diversity to achieve at the root name servers, and to make the global domain name system more resilient to potential errors and vulnerabilities of a single product. NSD is according to the objectives of the developers also as slim as possible, be compatible with standards-compliant and BIND.

In contrast to BIND and some other DNS servers NSD implemented but only aware of an authoritative DNS server and not recursive. There is a sister project called Unbound that implements a non- authoritative, but recursive server for this purpose.

The NLnet Labs as a major non-profit developers promise on the project website, a long- term commitment to NSD: Even a possible withdrawal from the development shall be announced at least two years in advance.


NSD is running ( in addition to different versions of BIND ) as a software for the operation of many of the 13 root name servers of the Internet. Although many operators of root name servers for security reasons to hold back with details on its infrastructure, its use is documented at least on the K servers since 2003, and later for the H- and L- Server. In addition, some top - level domains such as has long been NSD. Fr or. Put an nl.

Linux distributions provide NSD usually as a finished package to install as an alternative to BIND ready. OpenBSD is about NSD as the default server to take over in the base system and replace BIND there completely.

References and Notes
