
Numan (Arabic نعمان ) is an Arabic and Turkish masculine first name and family name. An alternative transcription of the Arabic name is Nu'man.

Bearers of the name

Historical time

  • Hassan ibn an- Nu ʿ mān († 705), the Arab governor of Ifriqiya ( 685-703 )
  • An- Numan, Islamic legal scholar of the Middle Ages
  • Ebu Sehil Nu'man Efendi (~ 1700 - after 1750 ), Ottoman law Lore of the 18th century

First name

  • Numan Acar ( * 19 **), a Turkish actor and film producer
  • Çürüksu Numan ( born 1984 ), the Turkish football player
  • Kurtulmuş Numan ( born 1959 ), Turkish politicians
  • Numan Menemencioglu (1891-1958), Turkish diplomat, politician and Turkish Foreign Minister

Family name

Artist Name

  • Gary Numan (born 1958 ), British musician and pioneer of electropop