Nurse anesthetist

Professional health care provider (specialist nurse ) for anesthesia and intensive care are health and nurses who work in intensive care and anesthesia, or have completed a generally two years of specialized training.

  • 3.1 Intensive Care
  • 3.2 Anesthesia Care

Specialized training for skilled nurses for critical care and anesthesia


Prerequisite for participation in the specialized training is completed training as health and nursing, or an exam as nursing force and a workplace in intensive care and anesthesia. Experience since 2009, usually no longer necessary. In most provinces a second state exam will be taken, hence the term specialist nurse specialist nurse, respectively, is a protected occupational title. Based on this development, the " training and examination regulations for nursing " of the respective federal state.

Duration and Structure

The two-year specialized training takes place at so-called part-time specialist training facilities, which are connected hospitals or hospital associations. In total, up to 780 hours of general theoretical and 1,200 hours of general practical lessons offered according to the " training and examination regulations for nursing " of the respective federal state. The specialized training is comparable in scope and number of hours with the master training in professions. Successful completion entitles the student to trade -related fields of study ( master studies admission ). The internship assignments are scheduled by the institution of higher education in the following areas of application:

  • Surgical intensive care or anesthesia intensive care unit
  • Neurosurgical intensive care or cardiac, thoracic, vascular surgery intensive care, general surgical or anesthetic interdisciplinary intensive care unit
  • Internal Intensive stations
  • Dialysis unit
  • Anesthesia department: operating rooms and recovery room
  • Domestic Intensive Care

The applications may vary depending on the capabilities of the respective hospital.

Some of the lessons will be given by the full-time teachers in the areas of operation.


The training concludes with a state examination, which consists of a practical, a written and an oral part. Instead of written test and a three-month professional work can be written. Participants will receive a certificate and a certificate the right to use the professional title Customer Service Representative for critical care and anesthesia.

History of specialist further education

From about 1950 calls for specially trained anesthetic nurses came on in Germany, as they already have been several decades in the U.S. and other countries. In the early 1960s, for example, led Clinics in Munich and Freiburg and the German Armed Forces Central Hospital Koblenz, the first anesthesia training for nurses through to compensate for the shortage of anesthesiologists.

The first systematic training over two years began in 1964 at the University Hospital of Mainz under the direction of the nurse Theresa Valerius and the anesthesia professors Halmagyi and Nolte. 1974 was the " German Society for skilled nursing services and function eV ( DGF ) " was founded, whose chairman was Valerius. 1976 developed the German Hospital Federation ( DKG ) in cooperation with the DGF and 3 intensive care professional associations a recommendation for specialized training ( pattern for a national legal order of the training and examination to nurses, nurses and pediatric nurses in intensive care - a recommendation from the DKG ). This has since formed the basis for regulations and laws regarding the specialized training.

In the GDR, the first courses began in 1969, a mandatory curriculum for one year of specialized training was established by the Council of Ministers in 1983. After the fall of the professional developments were largely adapted in the new federal states the recommendations of the DGF

Areas of Practice

Intensive Care

The tasks of critical care includes not only the basic nursing care of the patient in particular the monitoring of vital functions, the operation of the monitoring equipment or dialysis systems, ventilators and treatment care doctor's orders. They include the administration of medication, assistance with various minor procedures such as bronchoscopy or installation of a central venous catheter and other measures, such as the creation of a gastric tube, the endotracheal suctioning or dressing changes. Other tasks include transport escort, the psychological care of the patient or his relatives and terminal care. The intensive care is not necessarily linked to a clinical environment but can also take place in the home, for example in the context of home ventilation

Anesthesia care
