NUTS of Germany

As NUTS: DE or NUTS regions in Germany are referred to the territorial division of Germany according to the European " Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics " (NUTS - Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics Fr. ).


In Germany the three NUTS levels are assigned as follows:

The NUTS - 1 regions correspond to the 16 countries.

At NUTS 2 level, there are 39 regions. These are:

  • The 19 administrative districts in the states of Baden -Württemberg ( 4), Bavaria (7) Ontario ( 3) and North Rhine and Westphalia ( 5)
  • 10 former government districts Rhineland -Palatinate: the three administrative regions were disbanded in 2000.
  • Lower Saxony: the four administrative regions were disbanded in 2005.
  • Saxony: the three administrative regions were disbanded in 2012.

The NUTS - 3 level with 402 regions in Germany corresponds to the county level to the field level for the year 2012 ( counties / districts and cities).

List of NUTS regions in Germany

Status: NUTS 2010, valid since January 1, 2012

Recent changes to NUTS NUTS 2006 2010.
