Nuytsia (journal)

Nuytsia is a botanical magazine, which is published by the Western Australian Herbarium.

In Nuytsia article on systematic botany be published, Posts Related to Western Australian flora are preferred. According to information provided nearly one in five first description of a West Australian plant species in Nuytsia was published.

The magazine was first published in 1970. Since up to two editions were published annually, with sometimes in a year also appeared no output. Published by Alex R. Chapman, a research scientist at the Herbarium.

The magazine was named after the plant genus Nuytsia from the family of belt flower plants ( Loranthaceae ). The only species of this monotypic genus, the species parasitic Nuytsia floribunda, is considered a Christmas tree in Western Australia since their heyday with distinctive orange flowers, especially in the Christmas season (which is in the southern hemisphere summer) falls.
