
Nyksund is an approximately 15 residents and up to 40 tourists scoring fishing village in Vesterålen in northern Norway. It lies on the northern edge of the island Langøya and can be reached from the small town of Myre on a partly paved and partly gravel road only.

The village has already been abandoned in the past several times, as a fisherman saw no sufficient basis for living longer. For several years, it is actively revived.

Picturesque to watch the colorful fishing houses that squeeze into a narrow bay. Some of them are still dilapidated, some already renovated and furnished. Became known Nyksund now for his reggae and ska concerts as well as its gastronomy. In recent years, the proportion of Norwegian residents rose again.

1985 discovered a Research Assistant of the social workers at the TU Berlin together with some students as part of a " theory-practice seminar" the deserted at this time place again and started him " instandzubesetzen " order to set up an international youth meeting. University teachers negotiated on behalf of the University and a registered association with homeowners as well as with the community next door and reached a takeover of many houses and warehouses in the harbor for seven years - under many conditions, but rent-free. A social worker lived in each case during the summer months throughout the place and managed or moderated groups of the youngsters from different Western European countries. This renovated the houses in which they were allowed free stay for the time of the workshops in the workcamp Nyksund. It was also centrally cooked together, politically discussed and celebrated.

Through the dedicated life of foreign guests a part of the Norwegian homeowner was newly motivated, even at least in phases to maintain their property again and revive. To the great disappointment of project management therefore not extend the lease of a complete village with those responsible could be achieved after 1989.

It is generally defined value in the place on originality and tried the limited number of tourists to give an authentic picture of the original way of life. In Nyksund the trail Königinnenweg, which is divided by a first increase and goes along for the more inexperienced hikers on the coast and is for experienced hikers its way through the mountains begins. Both paths end in the neighboring village Stø and may optionally be used as a hiking trail.

Recommended for visitors is in good weather a whale of Stø and in the midnight sun dinner and walk in Nyksund.
