O (Kana)

The syllabary characters ( kana )お( hiragana ) andオ( katakana ) ( Romanized o) occupies the fifth place in the Japanese alphabet, it is betweenえandか. In Iroha gefindet it to 27th place, betweenのandく. In the adjacent table ( ordered by columns, from right to left )おis in the first column (あ行, "A column" ) and in the fifth row (お 段, " O series" ). Both represent [ [o ] ].


おandオwere derived via man'yōgana, by于Kanji.


The reduced forms of kana (ぉ,ォ) are used to represent in the Japanese language external monitor, for exampleフォ(fo).

Stroke order

The hiraganaおis drawn with three strokes:

The katakanaオconsists of three lines:

Other forms of presentation

  • In Japanese Braille:
  • The Wabun Code is: · - · · ·
  • In the Japanese phonetic order it would read, "大阪 の オ" (Osaka no O).

Usage and grammar

"Example:お 名前 は 何と おっしゃい ます か. Onamae wa nan to ka osshaimasu. How is [your ] name? "
