
Obatzter, also Obatzda or Obazda ( " Angebatzter, In Suppressed, blended " in Switzerland as Gmanschter known) is a savory Bavarian cream cheese, served with bread. In Franconia it is called Gerupfter In or Preserved.


The original Obatzte was a recovery of old cheese radicals, in particular of Camembert and other soft cheeses. To make it palatable again, the ripe to over-ripe cheese is mixed with butter and seasoning added, mainly peppers, and often still cumin or onion. From this traditional variant, a variety of recipes developed.

Obatzter became famous in the 1920s, when the landlady Katharina Eisenreich served it to their guests in Weihenstephan brew pub in Freising. Since then, the following recipe is considered the most common: Ripe Camembert is processed with frothy stirred butter, finely chopped onion, maybe some salt, pepper, lots of paprika, cumin and some white beer with a cream. For the more powerful variants you take Limburger or Romadur, the milder variants were produced by the addition of cottage cheese or cream cheese. In Old Bavaria the recipe is also popular, added beer in Franconia wine.


In Bavaria Obatzter one of the classic beer garden courts. The dish is served sprinkled with fresh chives, plus rye bread or pretzels, radishes or in spirals cut Radi ( Radish). Obatzter should be eaten on the day of preparation, since the bulbs otherwise develop a bitter taste. Alternatively, the onions can be sliced ​​into rings and just before serving, are served on the Obatzten. Or the onions are lightly sautéed in advance, thus, the Obatzte lasts longer and it tastes milder.

Comparable, not Bavarian recipes

The Obatzten similar cheese preparations is also available in other regions. In Hesse, the Hessian is similar to Limburger, prepared Mainz or Limburger cheese. In Frankfurt am Main camembert, cream cheese, onions and paprika powder to be Sachsenhäuser snow (including snowstorm Frankfurt ). In the Austrian, Central German and Slovak cuisine, there is a similar cheese cream, the Liptauer. In Rhineland- Palatinate the Spundekäs is comparable, though made ​​without the hefty Camembert.

Protected designation

An application for registration of the name Obatzter ( Obazda ) in the list of protected geographical indications is before the EU Commission in Brussels.
