
Autopsy (after Latin obduco: Pull over something cover ) referred to in geology, two different processes.


This term is the overthrust process of oceanic lithosphere ( oceanic mantle and crustal material ) over continental crust dar. In this sense autopsy is simply the antonym dar. the process of subduction

Formation of an accretionary prism

On the other hand, the term is obduction used for the formation of an accretionary prism particularly in English usage. That is, a part of the oceanic crust, as well as a part of their overlying sediments is, contrary to expectations, the collision with a continental block is not in the upper mantle pulled down ( subducted ), but sheared off from its base and slipped on the opposite continental crust. For this, the continental crust must have been bent down himself for some time in the subduction zone before lifted them again due to their lower specific weight, and with it the sheared remnants of oceanic crust.

The best known example in this context are narrow strips of ophiolites that are found in fold-mountain belts and is believed to be the last remnants of entire oceans that have disappeared between two colliding continental blocks.
