
48.497511.803333333333481Koordinaten: 48 ° 29 ' 51 " N, 11 ° 48' 12" E

Oberappersdorf is a parish village and part of the community Zolling. Oberappersdorf is the seat of the parish of St. George Oberappersdorf with the affiliated churches St. Valentin ( Gerlhausen ) and Upper Marchbach.


The place Appersdorf was first mentioned in 860. The town's name derives from "Village of the abbot " and probably refers to the old possession of the monastery Tegernsee in place. 1465 ( the hamlet Unterappersdorf today ) is also called " Nyder Appelstarff " mentioned. In the course of administrative reform in Bavaria, was created by the community of 1818 the independent municipality Oberappersdorf. 1972 this history rich community was incorporated after Zolling.
