
16.904722222222 - 92.094444444444Koordinaten: 16 ° 54 'N, 92 ° 6' W

Ocosingo is the largest municipality in the Mexican state of Chiapas. It is located in the eastern part of the state and is home to parts of the Montañas del Oriente and the Lacandon Jungle. The name comes from the Nahuatl Ocosingo and means "place of the black man."

The municipality has about 200,000 inhabitants and an area of 9520.1 km ². Administrative seat and largest city of Municipalities is the same Ocosingo. In the field of Municipalities to find more than a thousand other places and cities, the largest of which are Nueva Palestina, Tenango and Frontera Corozal. Also in the municipality of Ocosingo are located the archaeological sites Yaxchilan, Bonampak and Toniná, also several nature reserves.

The municipality borders the Municipalities Ocosingo Palenque, Chilón, San Juan Cancuc, Oxchuc, Altamirano, Las Margaritas, Maravilla Tenejapa, Municipio Marqués de Comillas unc Benemérito de las Américas, and to the Republic of Guatemala. The Guatemalan border is formed by the Usumacinta River.

Ocosingo is considered a stronghold of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, an indigenous guerrilla movement in Chiapas.
