Octave (electronics)

Octave (symbol O) is an auxiliary unit of measurement that is used in various fields such as music, acoustic or radio frequency technology. It acts as a clue word that points in dual - or binärlogarithmischer representation of frequency intervals to the interval with the frequency ratio 2:1. The name comes from the music, where this frequency interval is therefore octave (Latin octo = eight ), because it refers to the distance of the eighth tone of a diatonic scale to the root.

At a frequency interval of octaves, the frequency ratio is one ( with ). It is therefore

This can - mathematically equivalent - also be written as


After converting the two - into a common logarithm is from this


A subunit of the octave is the penny. The rule is:.


The unit octave is used in the radio frequency technology, if a bandwidth is dependent on the frequency and the exact cut-off frequencies are either variable or no significance. A specific assembly comprising a range of 1 octave, thus, for example, in the frequency ranges

The specification of frequency ranges in octaves is particularly widespread in the antenna technology, especially in horns.


  • Logarithmic unit