Oekonomische Encyklopädie

The Oeconomische Encyclopedia is a largely created 1773-1858 by Johann Georg Krünitz German -language encyclopedia. It is considered a major source for business and technology of the time between the Enlightenment and industrialization.


The Complete Works lexical alphabetically developed includes approximately 169,400 pages in 242 volumes, the individual volumes have between 600 and more than 900 pages.

In the announcement of his work ( 1772) noted Krünitz to outline:

For the procedure in the processing, he writes:

The comments are not the same layout: Its scope ranges from a simple reprimand to articles that span more than one tape (administrative (police): Bde 221 and 222) - other volumes, however, treat up to 1,855 lemmas (Vol. 8 Cha - Davier ). The complete work contains 9398 images on copper engravings, which were, however, accompanied by the later volumes sparse for cost reasons as the previous.

" Chaotic" if the typeface of the first volume may be called, because of an attempt lemmas settle in French, Latin, German and other languages ​​, alternating between fracture and serif fonts from one another, as well as highlighting by changing between recte italics and / or ( in the absence display of bold and italic pressure of the fracture) by changing the font size, or by introducing an additional Fraktur. The amended concept of a completely redesigned Encyclopedia typographical this " diversity" from the third band was " eye - Bauer- wool" restricted.

The Oeconomische encyclopedia is considered an important source for business and technology of the time between the Enlightenment and industrialization, although already the last author, Hoffmann, was aware that the work already completed in no more could be on the level of that time.

History of the work

The first 72 volumes

1773 appeared the first two volumes of the encyclopedia, which should create Krünitz on behalf of the Berlin bookseller and publisher Joachim Pauli.

First was this Oeconomische encyclopedia, or general system of land House and State husbandry, planned in alphabetical order as a translation and summary of two French-language works, namely the Dictionnaire raisonné universel d' histoire naturelle, 1764, and the Encyclopédie Oeconomique ou Système général d' Oeconomie rustique, domestique et politique 1771 / 72nd

Right from the first volume of the " Krünitz " but promised to be the originals, by far surpassing piece of work. Similarly, it was already Diderot and d' Alembert is delivered, the 1772 completed 28 -volume Encyclopédie was ( with 17 text and 11 plate volumes ) initially intended as a translation of the English original two-volume Cyclopaedia ( first in 1728, in two volumes, most recently, in 1786, fünfbändig ).

Krünitz ' Encyclopedia was continued from the fifth volume based on lemmas that he. From the first German encyclopedia, the 64 -volume 1732-1754 published work of Johann Heinrich Zedler, Grosses had derived complete universal encyclopedia of all arts and sciences About the Krünitz attributed keyword list later authors of the encyclopedia hardly seem to be still gone.

Changes in the spectrum of topics, and the title

The changing during the development concept and the title of the work has been adapted several times - with the exception of the last date of these changes Krünitz.

Editor after Krünitz

Krünitz had finished using his extensive private library of about 15,000 volumes, his profound knowledge of languages, his diversified knowledge, and with immense diligence, the first 72 volumes and worked for it according to his information daily 12 to 16 hours. Announced he had two books a year, but mostly were published three, sometimes four. He died, as noted, for example, in the preface to Volume 73, just at work for Article 73 of the body belt, on December 20, 1796.

His work had several post- processor (most in a row) and was only completed in 1858 - with the 242 band:

1796 took over the theologian and jurist Friedrich Jakob Floerken ( 1758-1799 ) the publication and completed the volumes 73 to 77 from 1800 to 1813 created his brother, the theologian and biologist Heinrich Gustav Flörke the volumes 78 to 123 from 1813 worked Johann Wilhelm David Korth (1783-1861) with, causing a rift between Flörke and the publisher, the Pauli widow led. Korth published until 1855 Volumes 124-225, under the Publisher Litfaß alternately supported by the co-authors Koßarski Ludwig and Carl Otto Hoffmann ( 1812-1860 ). From 1855 to 1858 Hoffmann worked alone Volumes 226 to 242

Publishing house

As a publisher, occurred five entrepreneurs: Joachim Pauli 1773 to 1812, then to 1823, his widow, Louise, then whose second husband CH Mowinkel. Approximately 1830 took over Leopold Wilhelm Krause the publisher, who passed over with his death in 1846 his stepson, Ernst Litfaß ( 1816-1874 ). Litfaß brought the project to completion in 1858.

Reprints, Excerpts, piracy

Since 1782 prompted Krünitz a second edition of the earlier volumes. Were almost unchanged total volumes 1-97 reprinted (Lit. Cziesla ). Only individual pages and parts of preliminary remarks may have been reset.

There are also a variety of published separately and differently extensive excerpts from the encyclopedia. To a portion of them are published by Joachim Pauli, partly edited by Krünitz itself. These is the 34 -volume extract from the then-available part of the complete works, edited by several writers, published by Pauli 1786 to 1830. The project was abandoned after Volume 34.

The famous pirate edition, the printer and publisher of the Brno JG Traßler hung up by imperial authorization and with the support of the disgruntled former editor Flörke is known as Brno reprint, appeared 1787-1823, includes Volumes 1 to 129 and was banned in Prussia. Volumes 125-129 ( 1818-1823 ) are titled with Flörkesche encyclopedia.

Modern facsimiles and microfiche editions exist on a modest scale, respectively, in modest quality. The digitized and classified with full-text online since 2001 as Oeconomische encyclopedia.


See also: History and development of the Encyclopedia
