
The place

The village is located about 18 km south of the district capital Pante Macassar, 459 meters above the sea in the Suco Bobometo. At the center of the settlement includes the villages of Afumalule and Benais.

The subdistrict

Oesilo lies to the east of Oecusse and is divided into three Sucos: Bobometo, Usitaqueno ( Usi - Taqueno, Usitakeno ) and Usitasae ( Usi - Tacae ). To the north lies the subdistrict Pante Macassar, southwest and south Nitibe Passabe. In the east Oesilo borders the neighboring country Indonesia. The official border crossing Napan / Bobometo connects the two countries. In the sub-district of the Tono, the most important river of Oecusse springs. About a border crossing at Bobometo leads the main street of the district in the Indonesian West Timor. South of the town Saben ( Suco Bobometo ) there are several mud volcanoes.

The sub-district has 9,861 inhabitants Oesilo (2010, 2004: 10,220 ). The largest language group consists of the speakers of Atoni dialect of the national language Baikeno. The average age is 18.8 years ( 2010, 2004: 18.1 years ).

74 % of households in Oesilo have coconut trees, 76 % build cassava, 71 % vegetables, 85 % rice, as many corn and 10% of coffee.


After the independence referendum in East Timor in 1999 Murdered soldiers of the armed forces of Indonesia and 200 pro-Indonesia militia between the 7th and 9th September 1999 the villages Tumin, Quiubiselo, Nonquican (all Suco Bobometo ) and Nibin ( Usitaqueno ) 17 people with machetes and firearms. Houses were burned down and deported the survivors in Indonesian West Timor. In Imbate arrived, 55 young men were separated by soldiers, policemen and militiamen from the other, tied up and beaten. Then they were driven on foot to Passabe and shot and stabbed. Eight men were able to escape.
