Öland Bridge

56.67415277777816.420077777778Koordinaten: 56 ° 40 ' 27 " N, 16 ° 25' 12.3 " E


Länsväg 137


Ölandsbron ( German Öland Bridge ) is a bridge connecting Kalmar on the Swedish mainland with Borgholm on Öland Island in the east.

It is 6072 meters long and is supported by 156 pillars. It has an average elevation of 36 meters and is 13 meters wide. At its highest point the road is 41.69 meters above sea level at its lowest 6.65 meters. Your total of 155 fields consist of prestressed concrete bridge, of which the six middle each having 150 meter span. It 7000 tons of reinforcing steel and 105,000 cubic meters of concrete were used. The bridge is divided into three sections. The low western section is 795 meters long and has 23 fields.

This is followed to the east, the high bridge with a length of 910 meters and 23 fields at. The longest section is the eastern, Öland facing, part with 124 fields and a length of 4355 meters. The bridge's construction cost 80 million Swedish crowns. More 19 million was invested for the ramps to the bridge.

The bridge was opened on September 30, 1972 and it is currently the longest bridge in Sweden. The Oresund Bridge which connects Sweden with Denmark, is indeed altogether longer, but not her Swedish part. Previously she was also the longest bridge in Europe.
