Old German Magpie Tumbler

The Elsterpurzler is a German domestic pigeons breed. There are lively, flight facing pigeons from the group of Tümmlertauben that are known for certain styles of flight, the " points" and " tumbling ". The Elsterpurzler is one of the oldest German pigeon breeds.


The Elsterpurzler was a widespread and regionally provided with different names dove in the 19th century. He came around the turn of the century but is increasingly being ignored because the langschnäbligen porpoises came into fashion and their breeders nachstrebten the ideal of erzüchteten in England Simpson Elster. He survived only in silence in the countryside, in a few fanciers who do not emulate the modes and their continued breeding also resulted during the world wars. In the postwar years, the recognition of the Elsterpurzlers as a separate breed rejected the " Langschnabel breeder" from first. This took place with the publication of the pattern description in June 1951.

The Pechschnäbligen have been after 1950 came to its own in Upper Lusatia and have been taken over by the German reunification in the Federal German poultry breed standard as a color variant. Since 2012 have been recognized with the recognition of pechschnabeligen, blue hammered Elsterpurzlers total of 14 colors strokes of this breed.
