Old Harbour, Jamaica


Old Harbour is a town in the south of Jamaica. The city is located in the Parish of Saint Catherine in the county of Middlesex. In 2010, the population was 28 665 people.


Old Harbour was founded by Spanish navigators under the name Puerto de Esquivella. The place served them to build ships, despite the fact that the city was quite far inland. In the 16th century it was conquered by British colonialists and got its present name in Old Harbour.

Industry and Trade

In Old Harbour is the largest power plant of Jamaica, which is mainly responsible for the power supply of the main industrial center of the island, in Saint Catherine Parish and its capital, Spanish Town. The historic train station in Old Harbour is a major hub for freight. From there, the only railway line runs to the nearby airport and seaport in Port Esquivel. These are the main places on the island for export of sugar and bauxite.

Historical Buildings

In the city center there is a bell tower made ​​of iron. This was the beginning of the 17th century, shortly after the conquest by the English, was built.

Northwest of Old Harbour is located Colbeck Castle. The castle was built in 1680 by John Colbeck, a colonel in the British Army as a protection against Spanish soldiers.

The St. Dorothy 's Anglican Church is located two miles from Old Harbour. Built in the 1681 Anglican Church was built by the English Colonel Thomas Fuller and his wife Catherine of wood, stone and brick.

The Old Harbour Railway Station was built in 1871. The two-story main building was built in the Georgian style.

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Omar Cummings, international professional soccer player