Ombai Strait

Geographical location

The road from Ombai (also road from Malua ) is a strait in the Lesser Sunda Islands. It separates the island of Alor (formerly Ombai ) in the northwest of the island of Timor in the south and Atauro and Wetar in the east. To the north lies the Banda Sea, to the west the Savu Sea. On the north coast of East Timor branches off to the east from the Strait of Wetar.

Just five kilometers from the northern coast of Timor coat of the seabed from a depth of 1,000 m. During the Cold War, therefore, could pass undetected in the streets of Ombai and Wetar American nuclear submarines.

  • Strait in Indonesia
  • Waters in East Timor
  • Small Sunda Islands
  • Savu Sea
  • Banda
  • Strait ( Australasian Mediterranean)