Omer (unit)

Omer is the biblical name for the sheaves at the first harvest in the spring.

  • Omeropfer: Since these sheaves were brought as sacrifices in the Jerusalem temple, the sacrifice is also referred to as Omer.
  • Omermaß: measure of capacity for the quantity of barley, which is to be sacrificed.
  • Omer include: In addition, the seven-week period between Passover and Shavuot, while the sacrifice was offered, also known as Omer. Today there are no more temples in Judaism, nevertheless, the 49 days between Passover and Shavuot is still counted. This period corresponds to the seven weeks between Easter and Pentecost.

See also: Jewish festivals, Jewish holidays

  • Old Testament
  • Festivals and traditions (Judaism )
  • Sacrifice ( religion)