
Ometeotl ( Two - god) was in the henotheistic gods of the Aztecs, a dual God, a higher power has been attributed as the majority of the other gods. Ometeotl was intended as a divine pair and consisted of a male component - Ometecutli ( Two - Men ) - and his female counterpart - Omecihuatl ( Two Women ). Ometeotl ruled Omeyocan (two- site), the one associated with the North Star, because this stood motionless in the sky. The special role Ometeotls is also reflected in the fact that he was intituliert as icel teotl (sole God). The Mexican anthropologist Miguel Leon Portilla - Ometeotl translated as Lord of duality. An Aztec poem illustrates the unity of this duality:

According to the Aztec belief has Ometeotl Cemanahuatl, that created the universe and the people bestowed their souls. It was said:

Just because Ometeotl was meant to be all-encompassing God who was enthroned beyond the lower gods, the Aztecs assumed that he did not interfere in the immediate concerns of life. Therefore neither temples were dedicated to him nor was he worshiped directly. The vel teotl property ( true God ) was, however, also other names attributed to the Aztec pantheon: Tezcatlipoca, Xiuhtecuhtli and Tloque Navaque ( omnipresent God ); perhaps a consequence of different traditions of rival priests schools.
