
Omniszienz (from medieval Latin omniscientia ) refers to the property or assets, all at all knowable facts to know factually. It is a traditional attribute of God, which is also another perfect beings was occasionally attributed.

Omniscience and omnipotence

Omniscience is often thought of as a logical consequence of omnipotence. So writes Prof. Dr. Gerhard Streminger: "The property of omniscience should be included in the concept of omnipotence, as a being who lacks knowledge, even to power is lacking. Is a being, however powerful, so it is all-knowing. "

On the other hand there is the view that omniscience and omnipotence of God mutually exclusive - at least if one understands omniscience so that it includes complete knowledge of the future. Richard Dawkins argues that it was " the attention of logicians noticed that omniscience and omnipotence are incompatible. If God is omniscient, he must know how he will intervene with his omnipotence and change the course of history already. However, this means that he can change his mind it with the engagement no longer, and therefore he is not omnipotent. "
