
Omori - Ryu (大 森 流:おおもり りゅう) (= school after masters Omori ) is among the old schools ( koryū ) of the Japanese martial art relatively new Iaidō style. This style was developed in the early 18th century by Omori Masamitsu Rokurozaemon. The special feature of this school is that the sword forms (kata ) is no longer practiced in the traditional Iai- hiza the samurai, but for the first time from the seiza (knee seat) out, as it is known in Zen as well.

The forms ( kata) of Omori - Ryu

Omori - Ryu is now usually taught as part of the schools Musō Jikiden Eishin - Ryu and Shinden Ryu Musō. Both schools have integrated into their system of teaching the forms ( kata = ) ( = beginning level) as Shoden.

Musō Jikiden Eishin - ryu:

Musō Shinden Ryu

Despite different names are in both lists basically the same forms, even if they are executed stylistically different in the two schools. Nakayama Hakudo, the newly arranged the tradition of Musō Shinden Ryu, added as 12 form Inyo shintai kaewaza. The form can also be considered as a variant of Yaegaki / Inyōshintai.

Omori - Ryu as a single school

Today Omori - Ryu is taught sporadically. So Nobuyuki Watanabe teaches a specific expression of the Omori - Ryu, which he explains the basics of Aikido.


  • Martial Arts ( Japan)