
Baikal cisco

The Baikal cisco or cisco (Coregonus migratorius, in the national language Омуль байкальский ) is a representative of the species-rich genus Coregonus within the salmon (Salmonidae ). He lives only in Lake Baikal and in some connected waters ( Kitschera, Angara, Tschiwyrkui, Bargusin, Selenga ), and in Chöwsgöl Nuur. Accordingly, it is a species endemic to the region.

From Omul three different morphological forms are distinguished, which previously could not be determined whether they are genetically isolated populations. There is this, though studies of Burnham- Curtis et al. (2002 ), but no genetic markers could be located. However, the authors emphasize that there is strong evidence that the morphological variation can be explained within the lake through a zone distribution of Omule, which consists of three basins.

The Omul feeds on plankton and small animals. It represents an important food fish for the region and forms especially for the rural population often livelihood. Like most other members of the genus it is tasty and is eaten in every conceivable way of preparation. Also the Omulkaviar is considered a delicacy. In addition to eating around the lake is also the export to Western Russia of importance.
