Ondo City

7.08333333333334.8333333333333Koordinaten: 7 ° 5 ' N, 4 ° 50'

Ondo is a town in the Nigerian state of Ondo and is located in southwestern Nigeria. One calculation according to the 2012, the city has 556 637 inhabitants.

Ondo is a trading center for agricultural products such as yams, cassava, cocoa, cotton and tobacco. The traditional king of Ondo is called Osemawe; the present King Victor Kiladejo, who was elected from seven claimants to the throne as king in September 2006. In Ondo, a stadium is with a capacity of 10,000 spectators and a football club in the second division.

Ondo and its surroundings constitute two of the 18 Local Government Areas ( LGA) of the state of Ondo, which together have an area of ​​1324.34 km ². At the last census in 1991, the two had LGA 252 297 inhabitants, which has a population density of 191 inhabitants per km ². In the city itself 146 051 inhabitants were counted.
