One-line joke

A bon mot [ bɔmo ] (French bon " good" and mot " word " meaning " good word ") is a funny incident, a witty joke word, an apt remark or a situational successful utterance.

Bon mots considered a sign of spirit and are a part of the ability to move into more demanding society (→ conversation). A quip is different from the similar meaning aphorism mainly by the type of mediation: a bon mot is typically spoken, written an aphorism. The quip is the quick-witted, witty remark in conversation. In addition, rather emphasizes the inherent knowledge of the aphorism, while most of the entertainment value is in the foreground at the quip.

Among the bon mots include spoken or written brainstorms, ( spicy ) allusions, puns, paradoxes and double intimately.


  • Many of the examples of jokes in Freud's Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious are bon mots.
  • Following quip is probably incorrectly, but at least not detectable, Winston Churchill attributed: "I believe no statistics, which I did not fake yourself. "