One Piece at a Time

One Piece at a Time is a country song written by Wayne Kemp and recorded in 1976 by Johnny Cash for his eponymous album. Produced by Charlie Bragg and Don Davis was published in May 1976 single of the last number -one hit on the Billboard Country Cash's songs. In the pop chart, the song reached number 29

The text tells the story of a man who works in a factory, are produced in the Cadillacs. Every day he has to watch as they roll away, while he never such a car is itself able to afford. He therefore decides to build his own Cadillac, parts he steals it with the help of colleagues from his job. After years of working his individual car is ready and he can make his first trip with it.

Musically it is in the piece to rockabilly, which is very reminiscent of the structure of Cash's previous hit and perennial favorite A Boy Named Sue by 1969. Not only because the text is humorous and at times sarcastic, but also because the majority of the text of cash is presented in the chanting.

Bruce Fitzpatrick, a former Automongul in Nashville, had been asked by the producers to recreate the vehicle for promotional purposes described in the song. The finished Cadillac was years before the "House of Cash" and could be viewed by visitors.
