Onega Bay

The Onegabusen on a map of the White Sea

The Onegabusen (Russian Онежская губа / Oneschskaja guba or Онежский залив / Oneschski saliw, also Onegabucht ) is a bay of the White Sea in northwestern Russia.


The Onegabusen is next to the Dwinabusen, the Mesenbusen and the Kandalakscha Golf one of the four large bays of the White Sea and also the southernmost of these bays. The breast extends from the estuary of the River Onega, in the same city Onega, up to the present in him Solovetsky Islands. To the east of Onegabusen is limited by the Onega Peninsula. In the 185 km long and between 50 and 100 km wide bosom there are numerous small islands. In addition to the Solovetsky Islands, which are the largest islands of the Onegabusens, includes the islands Mjagostrow ( Мягостров ) Chedostrow ( Хедостров ) and Kondostrow ( Кондостров ) of the largest islands in the bay. The island is Kondostrow of other small islands surrounding the as - Sumski archipelago ( Сумские шхеры ) are referred to. In addition, located in the Onegabusen Ki Island, which is famous for its monastery.

To the west of the city at Onegabusens Belomorsk is the northern end of the White Sea - Baltic Canal, which connects the White Sea with Lake Onega and is part of the White Sea - Baltic Waterway to Saint Petersburg. In addition to the Onega also lead the major rivers core ( near the town of Kem ) and Wyg (near Belomorsk ) in the Onegabusen.

The average water depth of Onegabusens is 16 meters and the maximum at 36 meters. The tidal range is up to 2.72 meters. In winter, the Onegabusen freezes for six months (185 days).

Administratively part of Onegabusen to Arkhangelsk Oblast and the Republic of Karelia. The eastern coast of the breast, which includes the south west of the Onega Peninsula, as Oneschski Bereg ( Онежский берег ) and are located in the Onega Rajon. This section is followed the coastline north of the Ljamezki includes Rajon Onega belonging to village Ljamza Bereg ( Лямецкий берег ). This area of ​​the Onegabusens heard in the far north to Rajon Primorsk. Both landmarks are part of the Arkhangelsk Oblast. The southwestern coast of Onegabusens is as Pomorski Bereg ( Поморский берег ) and are part of the Rajon Kem (in the north ) and the Rajon Belomorsk ( to the south) of the Republic of Karelia.
