Onion ring

Onion rings arise from transverse to the direction of growth sliced ​​onions, slightly falling apart their concentric shells to light pressure ring. They are raw, steamed or fried extensively used in the kitchen, for example, for marinades, roast beef and fried liver.

As a separate dish onion rings are mainly prepared in the American kitchen. Onion rings ( Fried Onion Rings ) are first rolled in milk and flour or a batter, then deep fried and served with a dipping sauce as an appetizer or as a side dish, especially for steaks and grilled meats.

Also a snack under to " Onion Rings " or " onion rings " resembling names offered, consisting of maize flour, vegetable oil, salt and onion powder essentially - Based on these fried onion rings since the 1950s - first in the U.S.. It is made with an extruder, such as peanut flips, but thinner and shaped as a ring, so that outwardly he recalls baked onion rings.
