Open-mid front unrounded vowel

Phonetic and orthographic realization of the half-open front unrounded vowel tongue in different languages:

  • German: [ ɛ ]: standard pronunciation of the short stressed Examples: nice [ nɛt ], real [ ɛçt ]
  • Examples: cheese [ kɛ zə ː ], 'd [ vɛ ː ɐst ]
  • Examples: branches [ ɛstə ], half [ hɛlftə ]
  • English: [ ɛ ]: standard pronunciation of the short stressed Examples: let [ lɛt ], men [ mɛn ]
  • French: [ ɛ ]: è, ê, ai, ay, ei, ey; e often Examples: après [ apʀɛ ], fête [ fɛt ] merci [ mɛʀsi ], fait [ fɛ ], pleine [ plɛn ]
  • Examples: besoin [ bəzwɛ ] matin [ matɛ ], bien [ bjɛ ], faim [ fɛ ], plein [ plɛ ]