Openness to experience

Openness to experience is a factor-analytically determined personality trait in personality psychology. This feature, together with extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness and neuroticism the five main dimensions of personality according to the five - factor model (Big Five). It is assumed to be normally distributed, such that most people have average characteristics and extreme values ​​are rare.

People with lots of openness are characterized by adjectives ( lexical approach) as

  • Imaginative, original, inventive, imaginative
  • Intellectually curious, open to new ideas
  • Interested in the aesthetic as art, music and poetry
  • With a preference for variety (rather than routine ), tendency to new activities, new destinations, new food, etc.
  • Attention for their own and others' emotions
  • Willing to challenge traditional values ​​into question

At the other end of the scale (low openness ) are adjectives such as traditional, conservative, conventional, routine, uninterested, etc.
