
Opentracker is a free ( Beerware ) BitTorrent tracker software ( a special type HTTP or UDP server software) that is designed for speed and minimal use of system resources.


Opentracker is many times faster than any previously existing BitTorrent tracker software, and needs less memory. ( The software can also be run on embedded systems such as meaningful. ) It can cluster with multiple instances of the software to operate that synchronize with each other. In addition to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) open tracker can also be addressed via the User Datagram Protocol ( UDP), which can reduce inter alia the volume of traffic on the tracker by more than half. opentracker supports IPv6, gzip compression for full scrapes and blacklisting unwanted torrents. Because in the meantime already due to the listing of the IP address of the accused to BitTorrent trackers copyright infringement warning letters were sent, opentracker may for the purposes of plausible deniability add meaningful random IP addresses.


It works completely in memory, which requires a large part of the speed advantage of the software is written in C and is based on the written by Felix von Leitner software library on libowfat, manages the network connections. Some new features, such as the UDP support IPv6 or data synchronization between multiple program instances, protocol extensions have been specially developed.


The tracker The Pirate Bay, the world's largest tracker complex have been fully converted from hand-knitted Hypercube on opentracker end of 2007. A large part of the BitTorrent peer world is so served ( responsible for the majority of the world's Internet traffic ) of opentracker.
