Opera Nomadi

Opera Nomadi is an Italian interest group for legal and social equality of the Roma and other travelers.

For history and self- understanding

Opera Nomadi was founded in 1963 as a regional organization for the Trentino and South Tyrol in Bolzano and 1965 expanded to the national organization. She received in 1970 the status of a duck Morale Nazionale. It has its national headquarters in Rome and decentralized offices of their subdivisions in different parts of the country. Your task she sees the strengthening of social solidarity and the protection of the rights of Roma and Camminanti ( non-Roma travelers ) " at all levels".

It is not a self-organization of Roma and / or Camminanti, anyone can join, and their volunteers come from the entire Italian population. It sees itself as a cultural mediator between the minority union groups and the majority society and works in this sense with schools and other public institutions.

The organization publishes the newspaper Romano Lil network.

Having a greater number of South Eastern European Roma migrants arrived in recent years to Italy, which were under attack in politics, media and the majority population to physical violence, the organization criticized in 2008, the indifference of the Italian civilian population and a lack of moral courage.
