Operation Sandstone

Operation Sandstone was the third American series of nuclear tests. It took place in 1948 on the Eniwetok Atoll in the Pacific and consisted of three individual tests.

The individual tests of Sandstone Series

Sandstone the operation was performed in order to test a new bomb design which has been developed during the Manhattan Project. Among other things, new methods for the composition of the core of a nuclear bomb were investigated. The new design should be for the same amount of plutonium have twice the explosive force of the Mark -3- bomb which was dropped on Nagasaki.

The individual tests were authorized in June 1947 by U.S. President Harry S. Truman and determines the Eniwetok on 11 October as a testing ground. The 142 inhabitants of the island were moved in December to 230 km distant Ujelang Atoll.

After the test samples were removed from the soil, to carry out chemical analyzes of radio remote controlled tanks.
