Operator (biology)

As an operator, a portion of the operon is referred to in the vicinity of or within the promoter in Genetics, to which a regulatory protein can bind ( repressor and activator ), and thereby to decrease or increase the affinity of the promoter for RNA polymerase. Hence the transcription of the genes in the operon is regulated. The promoter is located in front of the operator and serves as a starting point for the RNA polymerase. Binds a repressor to the operator, the promoter is at least partially concealed such that the RNA polymerase can not bind. The transcription is inhibited. Operators are found only in prokaryotes, not eukaryotes.


  • Rüdiger Wehner, Walter Gehring: Zoology. 23 revised edition. Georg- Thieme- Verlag, Stuttgart 1995, inter alia, ISBN 3-13-367423-4.
  • The Operonmodell
  • Gene expression