
Green peach aphid ( Myzus persicae) infected with the fungus Pandora neoaphidis. Both species belong to the Opisthokonta.

The Opisthokonta (Greek for " rear pole ", because of the position of the Scourge ) are one of the groups of eukaryotes, ie organisms with cell nuclei. These include especially the multicellular animals, to which all animals belong, and the fungi (Fungi ) as well as some groups of single-celled organisms.


The Opisthokonta are characterized morphologically by cells with a single dorsally located (posterior) cilium without mastigonema of which is present in at least one stage of development. In each taxa this may have gone secondarily lost completely. In addition, the cells have a pair of kinetosomes or centrioles, which can be modified.

Inside systematics

Adl et al. (2005) divided the Opisthokonta into four groups with no classic ranks:

  • Mushrooms (Fungi )
  • Mesomycetozoa
  • Collar flagellate ( Choanoflagellata )
  • Multicellular animals ( Metazoa )