
Oportunidades is a program of the Mexican government, which assumes that the poor live in a culture of poverty.

The program provides cash payments to the poor, but (unlike the social assistance) only if they participate in certain well geheißenen by the government activities. It is hoped to break the culture of poverty. So the poor are about getting paid when their children go to school or when the family goes to the doctor regularly and participates in health-related information sessions.

The program has been very successful to some extent. The rates of malnutrition, anemia and retarded growth in children are back done there more children are attending the middle school and the proportion of children who attend the high school, even increased by 85 percent. Similarly, a higher percentage of children these schools finishes successfully.

In 2008, a full quarter of all Mexican families participating in the program was. Were 30 countries around the world launched a similar initiative, including most of Latin American countries, but also Turkey, Cambodia and Bangladesh.
