Opuntia pachyrrhiza

Opuntia pachyrrhiza is a flowering plant in the genus Opuntia ( Opuntia ) from the cactus family ( Cactaceae ). The specific epithet pachyrrhiza means ( Greich, pachys, thick, strong) and (Greek rhiza, root ) with strong roots '.


Opuntia pachyrrhiza grows as a small, little -branched shrub, reaching heights of growth of 35 to 40 centimeters. The usually only one to three shoots appear most directly from the bulbous, sukkulentem rhizome. The rhizome is up to 40 centimeters long and has a diameter of 12 centimeters. The shoots are occasionally branched a little and then crawl. During times of drought or cold, they die. The elliptic, lanceolate or obovate drive sections are up to 35 centimeters long, 16 centimeters wide and 5-8 mm thick. They are flat to slightly folded and bare. To the 2 to 4.5 apart standing elliptical areoles the olive drive sections are usually somewhat reddish. The numerous glochids are brown to yellow ocher. The spines are initially light brown, later they become dark brown or gray with a brown top. You are stiff, needle-like, flattened at its base and about turning around. The spines are 0.5 to 4.5 cm (rarely to 7 centimeters ) long.

The bell-shaped, bright yellow flowers reach lengths of 4.5 to 9 inches in diameter and 4-8 cm. Your Perikarpell is sometimes tuberculate. The fruits are obovate and have a truncated tip.

Systematics, distribution and hazard

Opuntia pachyrrhiza is common in the north of the Mexican state of San Luis Potosí.

The first description was in 2001 by Héctor Manuel Hernández, Carlos Gómez- Hinostrosa and Rolando T. Bárcenas. A synonym is Opuntia megarrhiza subsp. pachyrrhiza ( HMHern., Gómez- Hin. & Bárcenas ) U.Guzmán & Mandujano ( 2003).

Opuntia pachyrrhiza is on the Red List of Threatened Species IUCN as "Least Concern ( LC) ," ie, not compromised classified.

