Oracle Certification Program

The software company Oracle provides a number of certificates. In addition to the variations of the in-house products, which are usually identified by the names OCA, OCP, OCM and OCE, there is further evidence from purchased products such as e-business or Siebel. The BEA certificates are no longer issued; they are aligned with the Oracle system in 2009.

Oracle often expected as a prerequisite to participation in a recognized Oracle online or classroom course to grant the title. Next are possible cross qualifications between the profiles. The certificates are valid indefinitely in time, but often, at least the important bound to a software version. In this case, the title for the next or next version does not need to be fully developed new because an upgrade is possible. The tests are applied with the exception of those for OCM as an electronic multiple choice test.

Certification levels

The permits are valid for one database version.

Oracle Certified Associate

The OCA is the entry level in the certification. To get them, 2009, two tests must be passed.

Oracle Certified Professional

The OCA is a prerequisite for obtaining the certificate. Since 2002 need to obtain the title courses at Oracle University has (so-called practical courses ) and two (Oracle Database 9i ) or a check (Oracle Database 10g and 11g ) to be passed. Evidence also serves as a basis for further specializations ( such as Oracle RAC or Oracle on Linux). The title for the current software version can be simplified obtained by updating tests when OCP a previous version (maximum two versions difference ) is.

Oracle Certified Master

The highest qualification is the OCM. The entry requirement is the OCP. Oracle expects three years of practical experience, but does not require proof. Other conditions include two advanced courses at Oracle University and a practical test, which extends over two days and includes several practical problems in live systems. Oracle performs a website that aggregates all OCMs, if they so wish lists. A simplified title update is to be provided does not exist up to now (2009 ) but.

Oracle Certified Expert

The title Certified Expert certified skills in specific technologies, architectures, or areas that are currently not covered by the lines Certified Associate and Certified Professional.

Other profiles

Further qualification profiles have only the steps OCA and OCP:

  • Application Developer PL / SQL
  • Application developers Forms
  • Application Server administrator user for the Oracle Application Server

Certified Expert

Almost all other certificates are designated by Oracle as " Certified Expert ". It is characterized by the absence of a rise of hierarchy, because the amount of knowledge underlying is too limited for a multi-stage or areas of expertise are discussed. Some titles are version specific.
