Oranjestad (Sint Eustatius)

17.483333333333 - 62.983333333333Koordinaten: 17 ° 29 'N, 62 ° 59 ' W

Oranjestad is the capital of the Dutch Caribbean island of Sint Eustatius. He has about 1000 inhabitants.

The city can be separated into two districts: the lower city and the upper city. The lower town, which is situated right on the shore, is historically far more valuable. There are ruins from the colonial period, the most popular beach - area and a port which is still in operation. The upper city is Western - modern. Here is the economic center of the city.


The most important attraction of the city is the Fort Oranje, which is above the shore. Nearby towards the sea on the intact fortifications nor cannons. Guests can also admire the beautiful courtyard. Nearby there is a museum about the history of the island, one of the oldest synagogues in the region of the Americas (built in 1739 ), a Jewish cemetery and a 1755 built in the Dutch style, partly ruined church.


In Oranjestad, there are various shops, a school, a hospital, administration building of the government and a university for medicine with about 100 students.

  • Place in the Netherlands
  • Place in Central America
  • Sint Eustatius