
  • Citations for source (s) of myth

Orcus ( German: Orcus ) was one of the names for the god of the underworld in Roman mythology. Other names are Pluto or Dis Pater. With Orcus his angry, punishing side is called, the God who tortured the dead in the afterlife. He, however, also features a Psychopomp were attributed, as which he led the souls of the dead to the underworld.

The origins of Orcus are probably in the Etruscan religion. Orcus was a name that was used by Roman writers to denote a Gallic god of the underworld.

In German, " Orcus " about the meaning of abyss, Hades or underworld is needed. If, for example, talked about something going to Orcus, it is meant that it is left to decay. A more well-known phrase in this context is the Orcus of oblivion which is used synonymously with the term oblivion.
