Order of Dobrzyń

The brothers of Dobrin ( Dobrzyń nad Wisłą ) ( Lat. fratribus militiae Christ in Prussia ) was an order of knights, which was founded at the initiative of the Polish Duke Konrad of Masovia Masovia to protect the heartland of Bishop Christian of Oliva 1228. In the literature it is also chivalrous Association of the Order of the Knights of Christ and his members, even Knights of Christ, or Brothers of the knight - service of Christ in Prussia, or simply Knights of Prussia and often Knight brothers of Dobrin, complete but Order of the Knights brothers called by Dobrin.

The Knights, who came mostly from Germany, have helped to secure Mazovia, but gain no power over Prussia. 1234, the remaining Knights of comprehensive maximum of 35 brothers Teutonic Knights were incorporated into the Teutonic Knights, who in 1237 also took up also the Livonian Order.

Order decoration

On a white coat, the knights wore as a religious symbol, a red sword and a star. The star should distinguish them from the other knights in Livonia.

Pictures of Order of Dobrzyń
