Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland

The Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland (Order Zasługi Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej ) was founded in 1992 as a continuation of the earlier " Merit of the Polish People's Republic " by the Polish Sejm.


The Communist Merit was created on April 10, 1974 by the State Council of the "People's Republic ". It was a long time with the idea to revive the Order of the White Eagle again. Since this but too " loaded feudal " was and since you, the highest distinction had the Order of the Builders of People's Poland, including the Order of Merit was instituted, which was worn on the blue ribbon of the White Eagle.

The Neustiftung 1992 changed the look of the Order only marginal: instead of the eagle of the People's Republic of winning eagle of the Republic was introduced, the plaque bears the cipher RP (Republic of Poland). The Order was given a new, cobalt gray band. As before, the order is only awarded to foreigners and Poles abroad. The five classes are retained.

Order of classes

The order consists of five classes:

  • Grand Cross
  • Commander with Star
  • Commander
  • Officer
  • Called knight or cavalier

Order decoration

The religious character is a five-armed star, similar to the Legion of Honour with red enamel arms with white trim and golden rays between the arms. In the center of the religious character is the white eagle state of the Republic. The religious character of all classes added to a round golden badge with the letters RP (Republic of Poland) ( before 1992: PRL - People's Republic of Poland, Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa ), go out of the mutually golden rays.

The silver breast star of the wholesale and the Großkomturkreuzes is also fünfstrahlig and has in the center a red enameled round medallion with the state eagles, underlying the five golden beam. The smooth golden back of grades 1-4 was in the middle of the state monogram. The Knight's Cross on the other hand is silver and without enamel.


See on each class:

  • Was awarded the Grand Cross
  • Carrier of Großkomturkreuzes
  • Carrier of Komturkreuzes
  • Support of the officer Cross
  • Support of the Knight or Cavalier Cross
  • Expression unknown