Order of the Griffon (Mecklenburg)

The Mecklenburg Order of the Griffon was born on September 15, 1884 by Grand Duke Friedrich Franz III. donated to bring for the purpose of the Most High special benevolence, and the Most High recognition of outstanding services to the public and visible expression of Mecklenburg. Order Grand Master was the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg -Schwerin. The statute was expanded on January 31, 1902 and 7 June 1904 and provided with additives. Since 1904, the Order of Mecklenburg -Schwerin and Mecklenburg- Strelitz was awarded. At the same time the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg -Strelitz was appointed to the rank of Grand Master of the Order. Borwin Duke of Mecklenburg is the patron and protector of the Order.

Order of classes

Order of the Griffon was divided into three classes:

The insignia of the Grand Cross with swords were that the Grand Commander and Komturkreuzes with diamonds, the Knight's Cross was awarded with the Grand Ducal crown.

Order decoration

The religious mark consists of a red enamelled, goldbordierten eight-pointed cross with a golden medallion which features a raised border crackdown. The Grand Cross is worn on a four -inch wide, watered bright yellow ribbon with narrow red border on the right shoulder to the left hip, the Großkomturkreuz and the Commander's Cross on a narrower band around the neck, the Cross of Honour on the left chest, the Knight's Cross left on the chest or in his buttonhole. Moreover, the classes differ only in their size.


  • See: winner of the Order of the Griffon