Ordinatio Sacerdotalis

Ordinatio Sacerdotalis (Latin: The ordination ) is the title, published on May 22, 1994 Apostolic Exhortation of Pope John Paul II With this letter the Pope wrote to the bishops of the Catholic Church and explained his doctrine "about the only men reserved ordination ".


John Paul II is already in his introduction to the core of his statement when he writes: "The priesthood through which Christ entrusted to his apostles Office is transferred to teach the faithful to sanctify and guide, was in the Catholic Church from the beginning, reserved to men alone. At this tradition and the Eastern Churches have faithfully retained " ( Ordinatio Sacerdotalis (OS) No. 1). His predecessor Paul VI. had outlined the position of the Catholic Church just as clear: " She holds firmly that it is not permissible for reasons of principle to admit women to priestly ordination. These reasons include: the attested in Scripture example of Christ, the only men chose to be Apostles, the constant practice of the Church, which mimicked the exclusive choice of men Christ, and her living teaching office that holds tenaciously to that exclusion of women from the priesthood is in accordance with God's plan for his Church "( No. OS 1 )

Explanation of the CDF

John Paul II refers to the Declaration Inter Insigniores published by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Repeated the statement and explained that of Paul VI. reasons set forth this doctrine, where it is concluded that the Church does not take on the power of attorney to complete, admit women to priestly ordination (Inter Insigniores No. 100). For such reasons, adds that document nor theological arguments added, explaining the appropriateness of those available for the Church and expresses the fact that the actions of Christ was not based on sociological or cultural motives of that time. So, Paul VI. explanatory from then, " the real reason is that Christ has set it so when he endowed the church with its fundamental constitution and its theological anthropology, as a consequence the tradition of the Church is then always followed " (OS # 2 ).

Appointment of women

The Pope refers to his Apostolic Letter " Mulieris dignitatem " and repeated: " If Christ is calling only men as his apostles, he acted in a completely free and independent. He did it with the same freedom with which he emphasized in his overall behavior of the dignity and vocation of women, without conforming to the prevailing customs and according to the traditions sanctioned by the legislation of the time "( Mulieris Dignitatem No. 26).

Gospels and Acts

In Ordinatio Sacerdotalis the Pope sets based on the sources of Scripture and leading to the election of the apostles of Christ chose those whom he wanted (Mark 3:13-14 EU); (Jn 6,70 EU) and did so in union with the Father " by the Holy Spirit" ( Acts 1:2 EU), after he had spent the night in prayer ( Lk 6,12 EU). That is why the Church has in the admission to the ministerial priesthood ( cf. Dogmatic Constitution Lumen Gentium, No. 28; decree Presbyterorum Ordinis, No. 2) is always recognized as a fixed standard, the procedure of their Lord at the election of the twelve men, whom he as cornerstones of his Church had placed (Rev 21,14 EU). They took over in fact not only a function that can be exercised by any member of the church would have rather they were specifically and intimately with the mission of the Incarnate Word himself (Mt 10,1.7-8 EU); (Mt 28:16-20 EU); ( Mk 3:13-15 EU); ( Mk 16:14-15 EU). The apostles did the same when they chose employees who should succeed them in their ministry. In this election even those were included, which throughout the time history of the Church should continue the mission of the Apostles, Christ, to visualize the Lord and Savior ( cf. Lumen Gentium 20 and 21; Open No. 2)

The position of women in the Catholic Church

The pope stated that Our Lady would and mother of the church, but never received an apostolic mission, nor the ministerial priesthood. However, this fact does not narrower their reputation and was no discrimination against women (OS No. 3 ) As pointed out by the Declaration Inter Insigniores, the Church desires " that the Christian women of the greatness of their mission are fully aware of: their task is now of paramount importance both for the renewal and humanization of society and for that rediscovery by believers of the true face of the Church again " (Inter Insigniores No. 115-116 ) He writes further:. the New Testament and the history of the Church give ample evidence of the presence of women in the church, as true disciples, witnesses to Christ in the family and in civil work or in total consecration to the service of God and the Gospel. "In fact, the Church, by the dignity of women and their vocation came in, brought veneration and gratitude for those expression that - have shared in every age in the apostolic mission of the whole People of God - in fidelity to the Gospel. It is sacred Märtyrinnen, virgins, mothers who bravely bore witness to their faith and the fact that they brought up their children in the spirit of the Gospel, who passed on the faith and tradition of the Church " ( Mulieris dignitatem, No. 27, . OS No. 3 ).

Pontifical arrangement

" So this is any doubt regarding the important matter related to the divine constitution of the Church itself, removed, I declare virtue of my office, to strengthen his brethren (Luke 22:32 EU) that the Church has no authority whatsoever, women's ordination have to donate, and that to keep all the Church's faithful to this final decision (OS No. 4) "


The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith responded on 28 October 1995 to doubt the acceptability in Ordinatio Sacerdotalis teaching to keep as final and should be considered belonging to the deposit of faith, "Yes", and added to the following reasons:

" This doctrine calls for a final approval, because, founded on the written Word of God and constantly preserved and applied in the Tradition of the Church from the beginning, has been infallibly by the ordinary and universal Magisterium ( cf. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Dogmatic Constitution Lumen Gentium, 25.2 ). For this reason, the Pope has given the current situation in the exercise of his actual office, confirming the brethren ( cf. Lk 22:32 NIV ) presented the same teaching by a formal declaration, in its explicit statement of what is always, everywhere and by is to hold all the faithful, inasmuch as it belongs to the deposit of faith. " "

Single notes
