
42.5551.53305555555561298Koordinaten: 42 ° 33 ' N, 1 ° 32 ' E

Ordino is a municipality in Andorra at the foot of the Pic de Casamanya. The municipality covers 89.3 km ² at an altitude of 1298 m in the small town of Ordino.

Furthermore, are the villages of El Serrat ( 1654.8 m), El Casamanya ( 2740 m), El Port del Council ( 2539 m), El pico de Tristaina ( 2878 m) and El Puerto de Siguer ( 2395 m) in the community.

The 4417 inhabitants ( 31 December 2012) of the community are distributed among the various villages of the Ordinotals: Ordino, Segudet Sornàs, Ordino, La Cortinada, Arans, Llorts and El Serrat. Then there are the settlements of Les Salines and Arcalis. Ordino is the most important city of the valley and the administrative center of the municipality.


Antoni Fiter i Rossell (1706-1748) was born in Ordino. He was bailiff of the Bishop of Urgell, one of Kofürsten Andorra.
