Oreophrynella macconnelli

Oreophrynella macconnelli is a South American species of toad in the genus Oreophrynella.


The body is 22 millimeters long. The body top is colored olive brown and has a bright marbling. Located on the sides from the eye to the switch and on the thighs a series of small yellowish spots. The upper lip is yellowish. Under the eyes are two dark brown napkins. The underparts are whitish. On the top there are small smooth, slightly protruding warts and on the bottom flat grains. The forehead protrudes strong. The interorbital space broader than an upper eyelid. The first digit is much longer than the second toe, and as long as the fourth toe. First and second toe, and fourth and fifth toes are connected by skin. The two pairs are opponierbar toes. Between these toes the third toe is exposed. Dimly the Subarticularhöcker and Metatarsalhöcker can be seen. Metatarsocuneiform joint which extends up to the eye when the hind leg is forwardly applied to the body.


Oreophrynella macconnelli comes at the foot of Roraima Tepui at the border of Guyana and Venezuela, at an altitude of 1060 meters above the sea before. The species inhabits tropical moist submontane forests. About the propagation is not known, but it is believed that a direct development without tadpole stage takes place.


The IUCN lists Oreophrynella macconnelli as threatened ( Vulnerable ), as the only way of a single location is known. The stock is considered stable.
